

If you’re ready to move out but not ready to move into your new home or office yet, our Get U Moving & Storage services can help. Get U Moving provide storage services that include clean, professional, short and long-term storage in modern, sanitized, private rooms at affordable prices. All of our climate controlled facilities are designed for residential and commercial uses. Each facility is equipped with state-of-the-art security systems and fire alarms with 24-hour central monitoring. As part of our storage services, Get U Moving & Storage
Specialists catalogue each of your personal assets for inventory and list each individual piece and its condition. Additionally, before we load and unload your items, you can verify the condition notes on the inventory and approve the inventory list, ensuring everything is accounted for and received in the same condition as when we picked it up. At Get U Moving, service is our priority. We will store your possessions as long as needed in a secure, cost-effective storage facility.